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Report: Loose Compliance for Nevada's Indoor Tanning Law

07 July, 2017

In 2013 Nevada was the fourth state in the nation to prohibit minors under 18 from using indoor tanning devices. NRS 597 outlines the law's key requirements, which include posting both notices and warnings about the risks of indoor tanning, requiring customers to sign a form acknowledging the risks of indoor tanning, and as mentioned, prohibiting minors from using the devices. It was a victory for NCC and other cancer control partners and numerous legislative sessions working to pass the law. However, enforcement of the law is considered by some as lax, with no inspections, licensure, or other oversight. 

Four years later, NCC and the Nevada Comprehensive Cancer Control Program initiated a project to identify how indoor tanning establishments were complying with the law and what, if any, type of enforcement might be required to ensure compliance. The project began with a "secret shopper" phone survey followed by in-person visits to a handful of tanning facilities. 

Findings in the project are varied. The phone survey results indicated that the majority of establishments adhere to the law on prohibiting minors, however there is considerable misinformation being shared about the risks of indoor tanning. Additionally, in-person visits showed that most locations do not post the health notices and warnings, nor do they use a risk acknowledgement form. 

In Nevada's 2017 legislative session, NCC worked with partners on a bill that would establish some enforcement and oversight of NRS 597. While that bill died in committee, NCC plans to continue work on the issue. 

Read the full tanning establishment compliance report here.