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Publications, Data & Reports

Publications, Data & Reports

NCC and Partner Success Stories

Community Skin Check Clinic Reduces Barriers, Demonstrates Value of Collaboration, July 2024
Sunrise's Pink and Pearls Ties Breast and Lung Cancer Screening Together to Increase Uptake, March 2024
Engaging Diverse Communities: NCC Increases LGBTQ+ Competency and Outreach, November 2023
From Committee to Law: Increasing Access to Breast Cancer Imaging, June 2023
Dermatology Students Embrace Sun Smart Initiatives to Expand Program Reach, February 2023
Expanding ThriveNV Patient Navigation with Bilingual Southern Nevada Presence, November 2022
Using Online Mass Media to Educate Nevada's Lawmakers About Cancer Control Policy, June 2022
Using Project ECHO and Patient Navigation to Improve the Health and Wellness of Cancer Survivors in Rural Communities, December 2021
Sun Smart Schools 2021
Thriving and Surviving Cancer in Rural Nevada, 2021
ThriveNV Navigation Network 2021
SB 263 Youth Vaping Campaign

NCC Reports and Publications

Nevada Breast Cancer Needs Assessment, July 2023
Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Clinical Liaison Project, June 2017
Cancer Survivor Focus Group Study, June 2017
Nevada Indoor Tanning Establishment Phone Survey and Retail Visits Report, June 2017
Effects of regional average sunny days and other risk factors on the prevalence of skin cancer: A United States nationwide population-based study, by Emily Kouzes, May 2017
Sun Smart Schools Pilot Study Results, July 2016
Nevada Breast Cancer Screening Assessment, June 2016
Provision of Survivorship Care Plans in Nevada, December 2015
Insurance Coverage for Colonoscopy with Polyp Removal, June 2015
Breast Cancer Screening Report, January 2014
Nevada Tobacco Free Teens Project Report, September 2014

State of Nevada Data and Reports

Nevada Top Cancers Incidence and Mortality, 2020
Women's Health Connection Breast and Cervical Cancer Burden Report, 2017 - Download
Comprehensive Cancer Report – BREAST, 2015 – Download
Comprehensive Cancer Report – COLORECTAL, 2015 – Download
Comprehensive Cancer Report – LIVER, 2015 – Download
Comprehensive Cancer Report – LUNG, 2015 – Download
Comprehensive Cancer Report – OVERALL, 2015 – Download

Other Nevada Data Reports

Nevada Instant Atlas - County-Level Health Workforce and Population Health Database
Nevada Office of Statewide Initiatives - Publications/reports on rural and frontier health, workforce and more

National Cancer Data Sources

National Cancer Institute State Cancer Profiles
NCCR*Explorer - Data on Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers
SEER Cancer Stat Fact Sheets
BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)
American Cancer Society Cancer Statistics Center
American Cancer Society Treatment and Survivorship Facts & Figures, 2022 - 2024
CDC Places: Local Data for Better Health
CDC Chronic Disease and Health Promotion Open Data
CDC US Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations
American College of Surgeons National Cancer Database
For researchers: NPCR and SEER Incidence – USCS Public Use Databases