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Where Does the Money Go?

05 May, 2016

Did you know that Sun Smart Nevada, and the Sun Smart Schools program, are supported entirely through grants and donations? It's true. And in just a short time we've been able to build a great program with the funding we've received. Our supporters have funded Sun Smart Schools in 7 pilot locations, sunscreen kiosks at a handful of community events, and the beginnings of year two for our school program. (We're more than doubling the number of schools involved!)

Funding supports the purchase of sunscreen for community events and to provide to students in schools. We provide students with UV-sensitive bracelets so they can see when they're exposed to harmful rays. We assist teachers and school nurses with sun safety curriculum and do presentations at school assemblies. And much more!

Take a look at what we can provide to Sun Smart Schools at different donation levels in this infographic

If you'd like to support Sun Smart Schools you can donate here.