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NCC Signs On in Support of Surveillance Colonoscopy Coverage

11 November, 2023

This month Nevada Cancer Coalition signed on to a letter drafted by a coalition of partners urging insurance coverage of surveillance colonoscopy as a no-cost preventive service.

A surveillance colonoscopy is a preventive screening exam completed within 1-10 years of a previous screening colonoscopy for individuals who had precancerous polyps or lesions removed during the procedure. As is the case with other preventive screenings for individuals who are at increased risk for cancer, the procedure remains a preventive screening but at a shorter interval.

Fight Colorectal Cancer, the American College of Gastroenterology, American Gastroenterological Association, and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy will send the final letter with all partner signatures to the Departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury, and Labor later this week.

"Our organizations wrote a letter outlining the necessary policy clarifications we believe would ensure that commercial insurers regulated by the ACA treat such colonoscopies as a preventive, not diagnostic, service," the organizations said. "The change is consistent with both Medicare coverage policy and the United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines."

The organizations continued, "While the intervals of repeat exams differ, the principle is the same: to detect and remove polyps in asymptomatic individuals."

The U.S. Multi-society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer found that undergoing one or two surveillance examinations reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by 43-48%. This is especially important for increasing health equity for those at higher risk of colorectal cancer, such as people who are Black, and for those who have lower income and cannot afford cost-sharing burdens.

You can learn more about Fight CRC's other advocacy efforts to ensure colorectal cancer screening is accessible and equitable on their advocacy page.

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