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Ask the Expert: Youth Vaping, Health Harms & How to Speak With Your Child
Ask the Expert: Youth Vaping, Health Harms & How to Speak With Your Child
Virtual / ZOOM
Partner Event

Presented in English, Spanish and ASL
Parents Against Vaping's Mimi Boublik sits down with Nevada pediatrician and youth vaping specialist Dr. Jose Cucalon Calderon to discuss health harms of vaping, parent-child communication, and all of your questions as parents. Submit your own question as you RSVP. Registration is free at ParentsAgainstVaping.org/events.
En nuestro segundo seminario web, MimiBoublik de PAVe habla con el pediatra yespecialista en vapeo juvenil, Dr. JoseCucalon Calderon, para discutir los dañosa la salud del vapeo, la comunicaciónentre padres e hijos, y todas sus preguntascomo padres. Envíe su pregunta para elDr. Cucalon cuando se registra. Registrate gratis a ParentsAgainstVaping.org/events.