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CPAT Webinar: Managing Function and Quality of Life of Head and Neck Cancer Survivors

CPAT Webinar: Managing Function and Quality of Life of Head and Neck Cancer Survivors
Virtual / Zoom

The treatment of head and neck cancer often involves surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. This treatment is critical for controlling or curing head and neck cancer. Though necessary, these treatments, particularly radiation therapy, can cause fibrosis (hardening) of the tissues, neck and face. This is known as radiation fibrosis. Radiation fibrosis can be painful and result in loss of neck movement, inability to open the mouth, trouble speaking, trouble swallowing, shoulder problems, swelling (known as lymphedema), and many other issues.
In this session, Dr. Michael Stubblefield will be joined by a speech language pathologist and an occupational therapist who specialize in cancer rehabilitation. The team will discuss the how to know if you have radiation fibrosis, how medical professionals evaluate it and importantly, how to treat it.
The goal of this session is to help you or your loved one with radiation fibrosis have the knowledge and tools to lead their best life.

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