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Nevada Society of Radiologic Technologists 10th Annual Conference

Nevada Society of Radiologic Technologists 10th Annual Conference
TMCC William N. Pennington Health Science Center - Building B
18600 Wedge Parkway

Attend this conference for CE lectures, networking opportunities, and the annual business meeting of the NVSRT. The conference includes 6 CEs (ASRT approval pending) with topics including: MR Neurography, How Proper Skin Prep Helps with ECG Trace Quality for Cardiac CTA, The Lost Art of Skull Radiography, The Critical Art of Radiographic Critique. 

On Friday, April 12, there is a special NvSRT Student Challenge at Truckee Meadows Community College with an NvSRT Social to follow.

All conference attendees will receive an NvSRT Shirt! Must register by March 2nd to receive a shirt.

For more details and to register visit: