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Young Survival Coalition 2024 YSC Summit

Young Survival Coalition 2024 YSC Summit
Virgin Hotels, Las Vegas

At the YSC Summit, every presenter is handpicked for their expertise and dedication to the young breast cancer experience.

Summit workshops help you build personalized survivorship from the inside out. Surround yourself with young survivors, thrivers and co-survivors, all creating their unique life after a cancer diagnosis with help from thought leaders in the medical, research and wellness spaces.

YSC Summit topics are sourced directly from the community. We don’t tell you what you need to know – we curate experts to share what you want to know. And all exclusively through a younger breast cancer lens.

You’ll choose from topics like:

  • Dealing with scanxiety, depression and anxiety
  • Sex & intimacy (hello, vaginal dryness tips)
  • Managing treatment side effects
  • Wellness, health and nutrition
  • Fertility & family planning

Register here.