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Just Released: 2016 - 2020 Nevada Comprehensive Cancer Plan

09 September, 2015

Last week at the 2015 Nevada Cancer Control Summit the State of Nevada Health Division along with Nevada Cancer Coalition released the newest edition of the Nevada State Cancer Plan, mapping out goals and objectives in cancer control for the years 2016 through 2020.

Download the new plan and review the previous two plans here.

Comprehensive cancer control plans identify how a state addresses cancer burden as a significant public health challenge. They are essentially data-driven, evidence-based blueprints for action that typically cover a five-year time frame. In the early 2000s, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided funding to each state specific to building statewide cancer control plans. Today all 50 states, the District of Columbia, a number of tribes and tribal organizations, and territories have produced comprehensive cancer control plans. Nevada released its first plan in 2006 and is just closing out the lifespan of its second plan covering 2011-2015.

CancerPlan_CoverIn the summer of 2014 the NCC Research and Data Committee began preliminary work on the 2016-2020 Plan. The Office of Public Health Informatics and Epidemiology and the Nevada Central Cancer Registry provided data regarding the burden of cancers across our state. Stakeholder meetings were held in both Reno and Las Vegas to review data and identify priorities. Many partners shared their time and expertise in building Nevada’s next set of goals and objectives, and some partners even had a hand in writing and editing plan components. This has perhaps been the most massive collaborative effort for cancer control in Nevada to date!

Download the 2016 - 2020 Nevada State Cancer Plan here, and join us as a member to help us in achieving the plan's goals and objectives.

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