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Two NCC Staff Get CHW Certified
12 December, 2023
Nevada Cancer Coalition now has two staff members who are certified Community Health Workers. Valerie Martinez and Jorge Arambula, both cancer…
NCC Signs On in Support of Surveillance Colonoscopy Coverage
11 November, 2023
This month Nevada Cancer Coalition signed on to a letter drafted by a coalition of partners urging insurance coverage of surveillance colonoscopy as…
Success Story: Increasing LGBTQ+ Competency and Outreach
11 November, 2023
People in the LGBTQ+ community have increased cancer risks because of health differences linked to economic, social, and environmental…
NCC Releases Annual Member Survey
11 November, 2023
Nevada Cancer Coalition, each year, distributes a survey to its members to gather feedback on who are members are and what's important to them. We…
Mammogram Match campaign planned for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10 October, 2023
The fifth annual Paint Nevada Pink begins Oct. 1 to highlight the importance of breast cancer screening, this year with a twist. For the first 5,000…
NCC names 2023 Summit Award winners
09 September, 2023
Nevada Cancer Coalition this month named five recipients of the nonprofit’s annual Summit Awards. The awardees are a mix of clinical, public health…
Welcome Sarah! NCC hires community engagement manager
09 September, 2023
NCC this month hired Sarah Grocki, MBA, as Community Engagement Manager—a new position created to support the coalition’s increasing outreach and…
2023 Summit packed with learning, networking
08 August, 2023
The one-day Nevada Cancer Control Summit, now just a few weeks away, brings together continuing education and industry sessions, networking,…
NCC works with UNR Public Health to learn more about Black women and breast cancer screening
08 August, 2023
Over the past year NCC has been working with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Public Health to learn more about perceptions, behaviors, and…
Knowing family history can be vital for reducing cancer risk
07 July, 2023
Recently, NCC’s Valerie Martinez, our Southern Nevada Outreach Coordinator, underwent genetic testing to determine if she had the BRCA gene mutation…
Legislature wraps with wins and losses for cancer control
07 July, 2023
We are thrilled to share that the bill NCC had worked on for several years is now a law thanks to efforts during the 82nd Nevada Legislature, which…
Reflections from 2023's ONS Congress
05 May, 2023
It’s been nearly a month since NCC’s nurse navigator Amy Thompson and executive director Cari Herington returned from San Antonio, Texas where…